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01604 677240

3D printing in outer space


  • What was needed: lightweight and maintenance-free components for a 3D printer that can print spare parts, such as antennas or structures for solar panels in space.
  • Requirements: lightweight, fail-safe and can also be used in weightlessness
  • Material: drylin SAW linear axes, a robolink rotary axis with a polymer worm gear and an energy supply system
  • Industry: Space travel
  • Success for the customer: with the help of the 3D printer, the manufacturing process was successfully tested on parabolic flights.

AIMIS-FYT 3D printer in space. SAW linear drive The maintenance-free drylin SAW linear axes are the central element of the 3D printer.
SAW linear drive
robolink gearbox

To enable the print head to be rotated, a compact robolink D rotary axis with worm gear is used.

Gearbox from igus

igus® supports pupil and student projects with free samples, sponsorships and consultations.

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The current process for transporting equipment into outer space is quite inefficient and expensive. This is because the structural parts are primarily designed to withstand the high loads during the launch phase of a spacecraft. However, these structures are oversized for the subsequent operating period. Due to the high costs and limited space on a launch vehicle, alternative solutions are required. The Munich-based student team AIMIS-FYT took on the problem, and is working on a 3D printing process for cost-effective manufacturing in outer space, as part of their aerospace engineering degree programme. To do this, the students rely on photoreactive resin and UV light, which hardens the resin. A 3D printer had to be designed and built for experimental tests of the process in zero gravity.


The Munich-based company uses the zero gravity in outer space for its 3D printing process. Instead of printing layer by layer, the parts are created in a zero-gravity state using the three-dimensional movement of the print head. The so-called in-situ manufacturing ensures an enormous weight reduction and material savings for the components. For the drive technology of the 3D printer, the young engineers relied on three drylin SAW linear axes of the 1040 range and a robolink gearbox from igus for the movement of the print head. The drylin SAW axes were particularly convincing due to their low weight and freedom from maintenance. To enable the print filament to be rotated as well, a compact robolink D rotary axis with worm gear was installed in the printer.  To ensure that the cables at the printer are also safely protected, an easychain is used. "The e-chain expert from igus helped us choose the right chain. Here we had to enter all the parameters of our application and directly received a practical overview of all possible energy chains as well as their service life in our application."

The young engineers support from igus promotes innovative projects

Projects such as AIMIS-FYT are supported by igus as part of the "young engineers support" (yes) programme. With the university initiative, igus wants to support pupils, students and lecturers with free samples, university discounts and sponsorships and the development of innovative projects.  


I would be happy to answer your questions

Dean Aylott

drytech® sales manager

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Monday to Friday from 8am - 8pm.



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igus® GmbH points out that it does not sell any products of the companies Allen Bradley, B&R, Baumüller, Beckhoff, Lahr, Control Techniques, Danaher Motion, ELAU, FAGOR, FANUC, Festo, Heidenhain, Jetter, Lenze, LinMot, LTi DRiVES, Mitsubishi, NUM,Parker, Bosch Rexroth, SEW, Siemens, Stöber and all other drive manufacturers mention on this website. The products offered by igus® are those of igus® GmbH